Free Online Courses from Harvard, UCI and Georgia Tech

Online courses are a great opportunity to improve your employability. Not only do they help you build your resume, but they also provide great interview topics and ways to spend your spare time.

As many well-known universities have joined the list of institutions that provide free online courses, it can be quite challenging to decide which one to attend. To assist you with your search, here is a list of some of the best free online courses offered by the best universities in the world. This is not an exhaustive list but it gives a glimpse of the many possibilities of learning online.

Harvard University:

Harvard University has over 600 courses that are available online for free.

It means that you can get an Ivy League education without paying a dime.

Justice: In this 12-week course, you will be learning about moral and political philosophy, and critically engaging with both historical and modern theories.

The Health Effects of Climate Change: A seven-week course in which you will discover the effects of global warming on human health and the measures that can be taken to reduce the effects.

These are top courses offered by Harvard University:

  • “Introduction to Computer Science”
  • “Introduction to Programming with Python”
  • CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
  • Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles
  • “Web Programming with Python and JavaScript”
  • “Introduction to Cybersecurity”
  • “Introduction to Data Science with Python”
  • “Introduction to Game Development”
  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron
  • CS50’s Understanding Technology
  • Managing Happiness
  • CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals
  • Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases
  • CS50’s Introduction to Databases with SQL
  • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
  • CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Scratch
  • Remote Work Revolution for Everyone
  • Justice
  • The Architectural Imagination
  • Leaders of Learning
  • Cell Biology: Mitochondria
  • Statistics and R
  • Data Science: Visualization
  • Introduction to Probability
  • Calculus Applied!
  • Principles of Biochemistry

Except for these free courses more than 100 courses are also free to enroll and learn to upgrade the resume for better job placement.

Click here to Check out all the courses that Harvard University offers online.

University of California, Irvine:

UC Irvine is a large research university that provides a wide range of courses in different disciplines.

Better Business Writing in English: This course enables you to find your voice and offers the chance to write various business messages.

Introduction to Electronics: This course focuses on the basics of electronics and includes topics like diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers, so it is perfect for those who want to learn more about electrical engineering.

Games without Chance: Combinational Game Theory: This is an introductory level course in combinational game theory, which is a branch of game theory that deals with mathematical analysis of games that do not include any probability factor.

Here are the top “free” courses offered by the University of California:

  • System Issues in Cloud Computing
  • System Issues in Cloud Computing Specialization
  • Machine Design Part I
  • Cloud Systems Software
  • Introduction to User Experience Design
  • Introduction to Electronics
  • Material Behavior
  • Applications in Engineering Mechanics
  • Cloud Applications
  • Write Professional Emails in English
  • Network Function Virtualization
  • Supply Chain Principles
  • Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
  • Take Your English Communication Skills to the Next Level
  • Lesson | Get Ready for the Interview
  • Material Processing
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English

Except for these free courses, hundreds of courses are also free to enroll and learn to upgrade the resume for better job placement

Explore the complete list of University of California, Irvine online courses here.

Georgia Institute of Technology:

Since 2012, the Institute has been offering a diverse selection of online courses. The show has attracted over 3 million participants to date. Here are some notable courses you might find interesting.

Innovation Leadership: Over the course of six weeks, you will discover why innovation leaders are vital for growth and how to become one yourself.

Supply Chain Principles: This 15-hour course offers an overview of the extended supply chain and discusses different professions in the area.

Here are the leading “free” courses available from the Georgia Institute of Technology:

  • Introduction to User Experience Design
  • Introduction to Analytics Modeling
  • Health Informatics: Data and Interoperability Standards
  • Health Informatics: The Cutting Edge
  • “Introduction to Java Programming”
  • “Data Structures & Algorithms “
  • “Programming Algorithms”

Except for these free courses, hundreds of courses are also “free” to enroll and learn to upgrade your resume for better job placement

Complete list of online courses offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology.

The World of Knowledge at Your Fingertips: Final Thoughts:

Free online courses from top universities are changing the face of education. Education is no longer a hindrance that can only be acquired in expensive schools within the reach of the elites.  This article has been enlightening in giving an insight into the amount of information that is available on the internet, with the shown courses from Harvard, California and Georgia Tech Institutes. If you are looking for a way to advance your career, gain new skills, or just learn something that will interest you, there is the perfect course for you.

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