Learn Data Mining and Machine Learning Principles and Theory Complete Course

Learn free Data Mining and Machine Learning Principles and Theory Complete Course easily. Actually Data mining is process in which we find irregularity, patterns and correlations which has large data sets to predict outcomes. Widely data mining is used in financial, communication, and marketing organizations .In Data mining we search large sets of data to look out for patterns and trends which cannot be exist and usable by simple analysis methods. Data mining have many types:

  • Pictorial data mining
  • Text mining
  • Social media mining
  • Web mining
  • Audio and video mining

This book is divided in different chapters. Each chapter is divided in further sections. First chapter is own Variability Information, and Prediction. This chapter have different different sub section that are The curse of dimensionality, the two extremes.Next section you will learn is Perspectives on the Curse. And it cover sparsity exploding numbers of models, multicollinearity, concurvity and the effect of noise, Coping with the Curse,  Selecting Design Points, Local Dimension, The Bootstrap, Cross-Validation.

These book have these detail topics:

  • Local Smoothers
  • Kernel Smoothers
  • Nearest Neighbors
  • Applications of Kernel Regression
  • Spline Smoothing
  • Smoothing Splines for Regression
  • Reproducing Kernels
  • New Wave Nonparametrics
  • Generalized Additive Models
  • Recursive Partitioning Regression
  • Sliced Inverse Regression
  • Proof of Barron’s Theorem
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Tree-Based Classifiers
  • The Relevance Vector Machine
  • Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Bayesian Clustering
  • Learning in High Dimensions
  • Variable Selection
  • Multiple Testing
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