Be Ready to secure your Future .Get prepared from the top Mcqs and get success.Read important Information technology MCQS For Exam.These General Knowledge Mcqs Contain of World Geography, Atmosphere, Science & Literature, events Mcqs, Current Affairs Mcqs , Pakistan Affairs Mcqs and International Organizations. These general knowledge questions are very important for all type of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, etea and other testing agencies of Pakistan
Note: The bold option is the right answer for the given MCQ’S
1. Which was the first purely object oriented programming language developed?
a) Java
b) C++
c) SmallTalk
d) Kotli
2. Which of the following best defines a class?
a) Parent of an object
b) Instance of an object
c) Blueprint of an object
d) Scope of an object
3. Who invented OOP?
a) Alan Kay
b) Andrea Ferro
c) Dennis Ritchie
d) Adele Goldberg
4. What is the additional feature in classes that was not in structures?
a) Data members
b) Member functions
c) Static data allowed
d) Public access specifie
5. Which is not feature of OOP in general definitions?
a) Code reusability
b) Modularity
c) Duplicate/Redundant data
d) Efficient Code
6. Pure OOP can be implemented without using class in a program. (True or False)
a) True
b) Fals
7. Which Feature of OOP illustrated the code reusability?
a) Polymorphism
b) Abstraction
c) Encapsulation
d) Inheritance
8. Which language does not support all 4 types of inheritance?
a) C++
b) Java
c) Kotlin
d) Small Tal
9. How many classes can be defined in a single program?
a) Only 1
b) Only 100
c) Only 999
d) As many as you want
10. When OOP concept did first came into picture?
a) 1970’s
b) 1980’s
c) 1993
d) 1995
11. Why Java is Partially OOP language?
a) It supports usual declaration of primitive data types
b) It doesn’t support all types of inheritance
c) It allows code to be written outside classes
d) It does not support pointers
12. Which concept of OOP is false for C++?
a) Code can be written without using classes
b) Code must contain at least one class
c) A class must have member functions
d) At least one object should be declared in code
13. Which of the following is not type of class?
a) Abstract Class
b) Final Class
c) Start Class
d) String Class
14. Class is pass by _______
a) Value
b) Reference
c) Value or Reference, depending on program
d) Cop
15. What is default access specifier for data members or member functions declared within a class without any specifier, in C++ ?
a) Private
b) Protected
c) Public
d) Depends on compiler
16. Which is known as generic class?
a) Abstract class
b) Final class
c) Template class
d) Efficient Cod
17. Size of a class is :
a) Sum of size of all the variables declared inside the class
b) Sum of size of all the variables along with inherited variables in the class
c) Size of largest size of variable
d) Classes doesn’t have any size
18. Which class can have member functions without their implementation?
a) Default class
b) String class
c) Template class
d) Abstract class
19. Which of the following describes a friend class?
a) Friend class can access all the private members of the class, of which it is a friend
b) Friend class can only access protected members of the class, of which it is a friend
c) Friend class don’t have any implementation
d) Friend class can’t access any data member of another class but can use it’s method
20. What is scope of a class nested inside another class?
a) Protected scope
b) Private scope
c) Global scope
d) Depends on access specifier and inheritance used
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