Download Web based university and College management system in Python Django with Advance Features like to manage Daily life university and college activities like manage college students , manage Student Fee, management student attendance. The reason behind development of the system is to help in managing learner news given. College controlling organisation will make ready an easy way to make automatic the college and make ready simple, not hard way to automate the college with going to person in authority and giving the finest details about the learner news given and necessary records needed for a college news given.
System Introduction:
This is an use that guides students records and Fees 1. The students will have to be registered and all the news given can be got at a small sharp sound of the button.This use supports all of the departments and support the student information per department.The middle part, heart news given cover statement, attendance, examination, events,time table, Fees etc.And produce in relation to written statements.
System achievement:
The system will purpose, use using a given a number of levels way in rights and enable simple, not hard record in using a system.Each person taking the place of parts of a greater unit have much user friendly GUI.We should get all history of learner by one only click.We should able to get in touch with learner’s parents through mail and SMS .
Database Design
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