Download Advance Inventory Management system using python Free Source code. Inventory Management system is automated system that can help You to manage whole inventory stock online like track you specific or whole product inventory including product Shortage , product Expiry , Product brand , Item wise supplier Detail .With the Help of this system we can Manage complete supply chain including your Purchasing to Sale Customer wise. your inventory will be on Check and balance all time. You can download first version free to Understand How to Develop Inventory System or you can use it for you Business .
Language Used to Develop This system
Language | Python Django |
Database | MSSQL |
- You can Install Django Using PIP very easily
- Open your CMD
- Write ‘pip install django’
- After installation you can Verify with write this ‘django-admin –version’ writing in CMD
Then you need to install MSSQL 2016 server.
why We need Inventory Automation
For Business we need System that can Track and control inventory with Quick response , Check and balance. With the help of system we can generate Daily , weekly , Monthly Sale and purchase report with comparison.we can track our product Expire and stock Shortage on single click without ask or watch.
Main Features of This system
Inventory optimisation
Inventory Notification
bar code Scanning
Report Generation
Multi location Inventory addition
Stock Return handling
Stock Return Reports
Product Brand management
product Purchase with Same Vendor
Audit reports
Audit Management
Flows of approval authorities
Flows of Purchase Order
Flows of GRN (Good Receiving Notes)
you can download complete source code and Database Free
Database Design
First of All you need to install MSSQL 2016 server. and Create database or Restore Database
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